Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there might be some changes to our activities below. Please contact us to find out more.
Church Service
Sundays 10 am
We focus on Jesus as we sing, pray and learn from the Bible. And we normally enjoy each other’s company over morning tea afterwards.
Sundays 10 am
Half-way through the church service, the children leave for Crèche (0-3 years) and Kids’ Church (4-12 years) to learn about Jesus and have fun together. All workers have current Working with Children Checks.
Bible Study Groups
Tuesday afternoon (mixed)
Wednesday night (mixed)
Friday morning (ladies)
We meet in small groups to pray and learn about Jesus from the Bible.
English Conversation Sessions
Thursdays 10-11.30am
Free Practise Your English Sessions in Church Hall
This is a free service to the community.It’s an opportunity to practise English in a welcoming and safe setting: 123 Waratah Avenue, Dalkeith.
Community Groups
– Scrabble
Table Tennis
Saturday 10 am
Social games
Saturdays fortnightly 3-5 pm
Games and teaching for children.